Category Archives: Photography

Twiggy, I mean… Mia, I mean… Carey!

Amazing editorial featuring Carey Mulligan, shot by Mikael Jansson. I love the grain!!! Via Fashion Gone Rogue.

Fashion Week Favorites

Andy! Taylor! Christine! Miroslava! Denni! Emmanuelle! Just a few of my favorite muses in their Fashion Week best! Photos: Style Scrapbook The Sartorialist Trendycrew Garance Dore Chic Muse Jak & Jil


Check out my new blog PYT IN PTY, as in Pretty Young Thing in Panama, where I will post street style pics from Panama and some of my own looks!

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Went to see Fantastic Mr. Fox this week, and I loved it! It was a tail of believing in yourself, accepting and loving who you are. It had beautiful photography, a great soundtrack, awesome miniature costume design, action, romance, comedy, drama, suspense… it was cussing amazing! I know how stop action animation is done, but […]


Still obsessed with this hair. Images by Greg Harris via COUTE QUE COUTE

Childhood Dreams

Between Stella McCartney for Gap Kids, and now this Ryan McGinley shoot for Purple Magazine… Seems like now is a great time to be a kid! I’m becoming more and more jealous of my nephews and nieces… Via Urban Outfitters’ Blog

The Cherry Blossom Girl

I recently stumbled upon a fashion blog, The Cherry Blossom Girl. I don’t even think it’s fair to call it a blog. It feels like so much more to me. Alix is a Parisian girl who studied fashion design. Her name is so appropriate, she’s like an Alice In Wonderland. In the Press section of […]

The 50 States Project

Catching up on several blogs I hadn’t seen since my summer-long internet hiatus, I came across “The 50 States Project” on It’s Nice That. Stuart Pilkington invited one photographer from each State of the US to represent both their style and their State through a year-long project that includes several assignments (people, landscape, industry, habitat, […]

Actually considering it…

Funny, a few days ago I thought braiding half of my head would be an easy way to pull off the 90s asymmetrical hair without causing any permanent damage or change! I wouldn’t do the braids upwards, though. Definitely from the front of my head towards the back. Via The Sartorialist.

Today’s FFFFIND!